of Settlement
Lasting for over 1100 years,
Neolithic Çatalhöyük was not a homogeneus unit. A major distinction can
be made between the Early Ceramic Neolithic (7100-6400 BC), and the Late
Ceramic Neolithic (6400-5950 BC). The research demonstrated that these
two periods differ from each other in terms of architecture, settlement
form and material culture traditions. (more) |
The site of Çatalhöyük
is situated on the Konya plain, ca. 50 km southeast of Konya, Central Turkey.
It is a large (13 ha) tell settlement made up of two distinct mounds, separated
from one another by the former course of the Çarşamba River: older, East
Mound, dated back to the Neolithic period (ca. 7100-5950 B.C.) and younger,
West Mound ...
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