Books and Articles

Journal articles and book chapters

Çilingiroğlu, Ç., Marciniak, A., Karataş Yüksel, C., and Türkan, Ö., F. 2022. Çatalhöyük 2019. In A. Özme (ed.), 2019-2020 YılıKazı Çalışmaları. Cilt 1., 513-528. Ankara: T.C. Kültürve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayın. Kültür Varlıklarıve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü.

Czerniak, L., Marciniak, A. 2022. Abandoning Çatalhöyük. Re-shuffling, re-location and migration as the means of mitigating social unease in the late Neolithic. In Biehl, P.F., Rosenstock, E. (eds). 6000 BC. Transformation and Change in the Near East and Europe, pp. 136-157. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pearson, J., Evans, J., Lamb, A., Baird, D., Hodder, I., Marciniak, A., Larsen, C.S., Knüsel, Ch.J., Haddow, S.D., Piloud, M.A., Bogaard, A., Fairbairn, A., Plug, J.-H., Mazzucato, C., Mustafaoğlu, G., Feldman, M., Somel, M., and Fernández-Domínguez, E. 2023. Mobility and kinship in the world’s first village societies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.


Pawłowska, K., Shillito, L-M., 2022. An integrated zooarchaeological and micromorphological perspective on midden taphonomy at Late Neolithic Çatalhöyük. Open Archaeology 8: 436-459.


Bennison-Chapman, L., Filipowicz, P. Mickel, A.(2021) A Quarter-century of Community Engagement at Çatalhöyük. In: I.Hodder, Ch. Tsoraki (red.) Çatalhöyük monograph series, Themes & Methods (Volume 16). British Institute at Ankara, str. 13-26.

Filipowicz, P., Harabasz,K., Hordecki, J., Joka, K., Marciniak, A. (2021). Late Neolithic and post-Neolithic settlements and burial grounds in the TPC Area at Çatalhöyük. The research project of the archaeological team of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. In: D. Żurkiewicz (red.) Treasures of time. Research of the Faculty of Archaeology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Marciniak, A. (2021). Neolithic Çatalhöyük and the outer world: the origin, rise and demise of the settlement in its regional context. In. I. Hodder (ed.). The Matter of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2009-2017 Seasons. 31-43

Yaka, R., et Al., 2021. Variable kinship patterns in Neolithic Anatolia revealed by ancient genomes. Current Biology 31: pp. 1-14;

Yaka R., Doğu A., Kaptan D., Dağtaş N. D., Chyleński M., Vural K. B., et al. (2021), Peopling the Landscape of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2009-2017 Seasons, Ian Hodder, Editör, The British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Ankara, ss.395-405. 


Filipowicz, P. Mickel, A. Bennison-Chapman, L., (2020) Ethnography, Engagement, Evaluations, and Endings The Achievements and Limitations of Community Outreach at Çatalhöyük. Near Eastern Archaeology 83.3. pp. 182-190.

Marciniak  A., Marciniak, J., Filipowicz, P., Harabasz, K., Hordecki, J. (2020). Engaging with the Çatalhöyük Database. House at Çatalhöyük (HATCH) and Other Applications. Near Eastern Archaeology 83.3, pp.176-181.

Pawłowska, K., 2020. Towards the end of the Çatalhöyük East settlement: A faunal approach. Near Eastern Archaeology 83,3: pp. 146-154.


Çilingiroğlu, Ç., Marciniak, A., and Benli, Y. 2019. Çatalhöyük 2018. In A. Özme (ed.), 41. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı. 1. Cilt, 505-524. Ankara: T.C. Kültürve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayın. Kültür Varlıklarıve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü.

Forte, M., Danelon, N., and Marciniak, A. 2019. Drones at Çatalhöyük. A new survey for landscape interpretation. In S. R. Steadman, and G. McMahon (eds.), The Archaeology of Anatolia. Recent Discoveries (2017-2018), Volume III, 163-174. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne. 

Marciniak, A., Filipowicz, P. Harabasz, K. The Late Neolithic at Çatalhöyük in TPC Area: An Overview. In S. Steadman and G. McMahon (eds.). The Archaeology of Anatolia: Recent Discoveries (2017-2018). Volume III. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Marciniak, A. 2019. A history of the house at Late Neolithic Çatalhöyük. In A. Marciniak (ed.), Concluding the Neolithic. The Near East in the Second Half of the Seventh Millennium BC., 137-162. Atlanta: Lockwood Press.

Marciniak, A. 2019. Çatalhöyük. Orta Anadolu’da İlk Köy Yerleşmesi. Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi 69: 56-58. 

Marciniak, A. (2019). Çatalhöyük and the Emergence of the Late Neolithic Network in the Western Part of the Anatolian Peninsula. In:
M. Brami, B. Horejs (eds.) The Central/Western Anatolian Farming Frontier. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 127-142.

Marciniak, A. and Roffet-Salque, M. 2019. Geçmişteki iklim değişiklikleri ve insane topluluklarının reaksiyonu. Neolitik Çatalhöyük Örneği. Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi 68: 50-55. 

Roffet-Salque, M., Marciniak, A., Valdes, P.J., Pawłowska, K., Pyzel, J., Czerniak, L., Krüger, M., Roberts, C.N., Pitter, S., and Evershed, R.P. 2019. Synchronicity of climate and cultural proxies around 8.2 kyBP Çatalhöyük East. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (9): 3345-3346; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1818688116.


Greenfield, H.J. and Marciniak, A. 2018. Retention of old technologies following theend of the Neolithic: microscopic analysis of the butchering marks on animal bones from Çatalhöyük East. World Archaeology.

Harabasz, K. (2018). Charakter domostwa w kontekście rodzącej się idei powtarzalności praktyk funeralnych w dobie rozwiniętego neolitu na stanowisku Çatalhöyük w Turcji. In: K. Łukomiak (ed.). Pojęcie ewolucji. Aspekty społeczne, psychologiczne, gospodarcze i biologiczne. Łódź: ArcheoGraph.

Roffet-Salque, M., Marciniak, A., Valdes, P. J., Pawłowska, K., Pyzel, J., Czerniak, L., ... & Evershed, R. P. (2018). Evidence for the impact of the 8.2-kyBP climate event on Near Eastern early farmers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(35), 8705-8709.


Marciniak, A. (2017). Bridging up Anatolia. Çatalhöyük and northwestern Anatolia in the Late Neolithic. In P. Valde-Nowak, K. Sobczyk, M. Nowak M i J. Źrałka (ed.) Amici magistro et collegae suo Ioanni Christopho Kozłowski dedicant. Alter: Kraków. 281-290

Pawłowska, K., & Marciszak, A. (2017). Small carnivores from a Late Neolithic burial chamber at Çatalhöyük, Turkey: pelts, rituals, and rodents. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 10(5), 1225-1243.


Filipowicz, P. (2016). Semiotics in Action: Neolithic Imagery on the Move. In: I. Milevski and T. E. Levy (eds.). Framing Archaeology in the Near East: The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork (New Directions in Anthropological Archaeology). Equinox, Sheffield.

Lewis, J.P., Leng, M.J., Dean, J.R., Marciniak, A., Bar-Yosef Mayer, D.E., and Xiaohong Wu. 2016. Early Holocene palaeoseasonality inferred from the stable isotope composition of Unio shells from Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Environmental Archaeology 22:79-95. 

Marciniak, A. 2016. The Late Neolithic transition. The case of Çatalhöyük East. In N. Sanz (ed.), The Origins of Food Production, 78-89. Mexico City: UNESCO Mexico Office.


Marciniak, A. (2015) "The Neolithic house as a procurement, production and consumption unit in Çatalhöyük". In: Brink, K, Hydén, S, Jennbert, K, Larsson, L and Deborah, D. eds. Neolithic Diversities. Perspectives from a Conference in Lund, Sweden. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, Lund, pp. 89-97.

Marciniak, A. (2015) "A new perspective on the Central Anatolian Late Neolithic. The TPC Area excaavtions at Çatalhöyük". In: Steadman, S. R. and McMahon, G. eds. The Archaeology of Anatolia. Recent Discoveries (2011-2014), Volume I. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 6-25.

Marciniak, A. (2015). Neolitik bir megakentin çöküşü Geç Neolitik Çatalhöyük’te dönüşümsel değişimler. Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi 49: 58-69.

Marciniak, A, Barański, M Z, Bayliss, A, Czerniak, L, Goslar, T, Southon, J, and Taylor, R.E. (2015) "Fragmenting Times: interpreting a Bayesian chronology for the late Neolithic occupation of Çatalhöyük East, Turkey", Antiquity, 89, pp. 154-76.


Arbuckle, B.S., et Al., 2014. Data sharing reveals complexity in the westward spread of domestic animals across Neolithic Turkey, PLoS ONE 9 (6): e99845. 

Pawłowska, K. (2014). The smells of Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey: Time and space of human activity. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 36, 1-11.


Marciniak, A. (2013). Byki, uczty i kozioł ofiarny: Rene Girard i jego uczniowie w Çatalhöyük. Rocznik Antropologii Historii, Tom 3, Numer 2 (5). pp. 169-184.

Marciniak, A. and Klimowicz, A. (2013) "Archeologia pradziejowa wschodniego Śródziemnomorza na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu". In: Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 18, pp. 181-200.


Marciniak, A. and Czerniak, L. 2012 Çatalhöyük unknown. The late sequence on the East mound. In R. Matthews and J. Curtis (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Volume 1 Mega-cities & Mega-sites. The Archaeology of Consumption & Disposal Landscape, Transport & Communication, 3-16. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.


Kwiatkowska, M. (2009). Byzantine and Muslim cemeteries at Çatalhöyük: an outline. Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia, 129-138.


Marciniak, A. 2008. Ian Hodder, The Leopard's Tale. Revealing the Mysteries of Çatalhöyük. New York: Thames and Hudson. Book review: European Journal of Archaeology 11(2-3): 273-275. 

Marciniak, A. 2008. Michal, Balter, The Goddess and the Bull. Çatalhöyük - An Archaeological Journey to the Dawn of Civilization. New York: Free Press. Book review: European Journal of Archaeology 11(2-3): 275-277. 

Marciniak, A. (2008). Communities, households and animals. Convergent developments in central Anatolian and central European Neolithic. Documenta Praehistorica, 35, 93-109.


Marciniak, A., & Czerniak, L. (2007). Social transformations in the Late Neolithic and the Early Chalcolithic periods in central Anatolia. Anatolian Studies, 57, 115-130.

Marciniak, A. (2007) "Digging a site, nation beside nation: the case of Çatalhöyük, Anatolia, Turkey". In: Ucko, P J, Qin Ling and Hubert, J. eds. From Concepts of the Past to Practical Strategies: the Teaching of Archaeological Field Techniques. London: Saffron, pp. 281-301.


Düring, B.S. and Marciniak, A. 2005. Households and communities in the central Anatolian Neolithic. Archaeological Dialogues 12(2): pp. 165-187.


Marciniak A. (2019) ed. Concluding the Neolithic: The Near East in the Second Half of the Seventh Millennium BCE. Lockwood Press. 


Marciniak A. , Hodder I. (2015) eds. Assembling Çatalhöyük. Routledge.



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Poznań Archaeological Expedition at Çatalhöyük, Adam Mickiewicz University
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