East Area Results
.... Neolithic

A rich and complex stratigraphic situation was the revealed in the three westernmost Squares of the trench covering the area 10 x 30 meters, comprising six Neolithic buildings. Altogether, they represent at least three phases of the Neolithic occupation: (i) four regular buildings: B 172, B. 173, B. 174, and B. 175; (ii) a special purpose room inserted into B. 173 (...) (more)


The excavation at the East Area brought about recognition of numerous features that are post-Neolithic in date. These comprise pits of difficult to specify character and burials. The contemporaneity of these features is difficult to establish and confirm. (...) (more)

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All visual materials contained on this website are the property of Çatalhöyük Research Project
Poznañ Archaeological Expedition at Çatalhöyük, Adam Mickiewicz University
ul. Uniwersytetu Poznañskiego 7, 61-614 Poznañ, Poland